I had a great discussion with the Mayor today about the future of Jonesboro, it’s current challenges, and how we need to be looking to the long term future of Jonesboro. We can’t address every issue in the next few months or years even. If we’re going to solve Jonesboro’s problems we need to be looking 20-30 years down the line.

The most important legacy we leave behind is our children, and if we’re not looking to their future, what are we even doing? This means things like making investments now that will pay off in years to come. There are certainly things we can be doing now to address things like green space, public safety, homelessness, affordable housing, quality of life, etc. but all of these things are parts of long lines of dominoes that have to be setup and knocked over. If you knock over the last domino in the line you’re putting a band aid on the issue. We need to find the source of the issue we’re trying to correct, and then find the source of that source, and start there. I earnestly believe that if you knock over the first domino, the rest will fall in place!

Kier Heyl and Mayor Harold Copenhaver

Categories: Announcements