Story Coffee Shop is just around the corner from me on Gee St. and is a great place to sit down for a meeting and have a cup of coffee. I should know, I’ve had several there since my campaign started. I first visited the shop earlier this year during a fundraiser encouraging women in politics. There I met Bethany and we talked briefly about the shop and how nice it was to have something like this so near my home.

I sat down with Bethany Davis, and Lindsey Spencer and we talked about their coffee shop, why they started the business and why Gee Street. Lindsey was quick to let me know that Gee St. was the reason for the coffee shop. She saw this beautiful empty building on the corner with so much potential, and it just seemed like such the perfect place for a coffee shop. They put in sidewalk to help revitalize the area, fenced in a back yard area to make their shop pet friendly, and opened up their doors to Jonesboro. Revitalizing Gee St. is one of my priorities, and businesses like Story who take the time to help revitalize the area and give back to the community are a big part of that!

Kier, Lindsey and Bethany

We talked about the struggles of starting a new business. The opaqueness of the current system on how it’s not super clear on which steps need to be completed in which order. They were told to complete step 1, only to find out that there’s actually a step 0.5 that had to be completed first. We also talked about the great things about running a business in Jonesboro including the community of folks in the area who will go out of their way to patronize local businesses! Our citizens and local businesses working together to revitalize our neighborhoods, and keep Jonesboro unique are the cornerstones of putting our community first!