I’ve known Karen Newberry from back when my wife and I would take my oldest kid to the library for lap sit story time. The library for her as with us has always been a part of her life. It was a really hard decision for her to leave the library and start her own business in Jonesboro, but I’m glad she did. Crate Escape offers affordable pet care service for when you go out of town without the need for crating, kenneling, or placing your dog in a yard with dozens of other dogs.

Karen and I met up at Story to talk about her business. She brought along Piper who was almost as happy to meet me as I was to meet her. Piper’s owners gave Karen permission to bring the pup along for our meeting and I’m so glad they did because this was one of the friendliest dogs I’ve ever met!

Kier, Karen, and Piper

We talked about her business and the challenges LGBTQ+ business owners and LGBTQ+ folks in general face in Jonesboro. We talked about our concerns and optimism for the future of our city. We also talked about how she handles clients who may not agree with her “lifestyle” and I’ll never forget what she said. Regardless of her clients beliefs, every dog deserves and gives love unconditionally. It’s truly a lesson I think we can learn from our four legged friends.