I met with Jackie Matthews of The Edge Coffee Shop last week. We talked about our love of good food, and how much we both appreciate the Edge’s chef, Robert. If you’ve never been to The Edge, just understand that Robert always goes above and beyond on every dish he prepares, and makes you feel special just for dining with them!

We talked about our frustration with the current liquor license system in Jonesboro, and how the endless wait and hoops you have to jump through don’t serve any purpose but to make the lives of our local business owners harder and to waste tax dollars. If elected I would be for strong zoning requirements, and allowing liquor licenses to any business that meet those requirements.

Kier, Jackie, and Chef Robert

Jackie and I also talked about raising LGBTQ kids in an area that’s not always friendly to them. We talked about our experiences of our children coming out to us and how no matter what anyone in the area says or believes, the primary role of the parent is to love and care for your kids no matter who they are or who they love. It was an absolute pleasure meeting with you Jackie, and I think you very much exemplify Jonesboro for Everyone!